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Minimaalne pikkus 7 tähemärki!
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Vango Wonderland

Vango Wonderland is located in a former forest-guard site. Over the years, we have built larger and smaller cosy buildings for both accommodation and meetings. The buildings have all the comforts for the guests. There is also plenty of room for camping in the spacious courtyard.
You can cook in one of our kitchens or barbeque houses. If you have a bigger group, you can ask us to set the table.
We also have a Finnish and a smoke sauna, as well as a hot tub.

You can also swim, go boating, or play ball games here. The local forests are home to foxes, rabbits, and lynxes.


VANGOTALU, Laiksaare küla, Saarde vald, Pärnu maakond