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Teekonna nimi muudetud!
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Nime pikkus vähemalt 3 tähemärki!
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Vana parool pole õige!
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Uus parool liiga lühike!
Minimaalne pikkus 7 tähemärki!
Parooli vahetus õnnestus!
Parooli vahetus ebaõnnestus!

Niida Hunting Lodge

Niida Hunting Lodge is located in a beautiful place, a few hundred metres from the sea. The cosy renovated complex is perfect for relaxing away from the hustle and bustle of the city. There is also a Russian sauna on the shore of a large pond. Here, you can:
- spend the night and rest from the city life;
- organise smaller gatherings and seminars for up to 15 people;
- go to sauna and barbeque;
- go to the sea and islets by boat;
- go fishing with a fisherman;
- engage in recreational fishing;
- photo hunt in the wilderness;
- go hunting with a hunter;
- hike on the State Forest Management Centre trails.


NIIDA, Mereäärse küla, Lääneranna vald, Pärnu maakond