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Teekonna kustutamine ebaõnnestus!
Teekond kopeeriti Sinu teekondade juurde!
Teekonna kopeerimine ebaõnnestus!
Teekonna nimi muudetud!
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Nime pikkus vähemalt 3 tähemärki!
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Teekond muudetud!
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Uus parool liiga lühike!
Minimaalne pikkus 7 tähemärki!
Parooli vahetus õnnestus!
Parooli vahetus ebaõnnestus!

Maria Farm

Maria Farm in Pärnu County is a great place to enjoy true country life in a beautiful natural setting boasting forests, bogs and the sea. You are very welcome to spend your holidays here with your entire family!
You can come here simply to get away from it all or organise seminars and training events here.Our catering, party and seminar rooms are situated in a 100-year-old farm building, and there is also a fully preserved threshing barn with its original stove. The double and family rooms constructed in summer 2010 bring together country comfort and urban convenience. The Talurahva Spa saunas are the perfect place to relax and unwind, while all horse lovers are welcome to the Maria Stables. See you at the farm!


Maria talu, MARIA, Kõpu küla, Pärnu, Pärnu maakond
01.06 - 31.08
Is open advance bookings only
01.09 - 31.05
Is open advance bookings only