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Minimaalne pikkus 7 tähemärki!
Parooli vahetus õnnestus!
Parooli vahetus ebaõnnestus!

Discover Pärnu County on a bicycle: Tour of Valgeranna, Audru and Lavassaare

On the outskirts of Pärnu, Auto24ring racing track is worth a visit; it hosts several unique Estonian races. Here is also the start of a pedestrian and bicycle track that runs along a highway and takes you to Valgerand. At the Valgerand beach, there is a watchtower, children's playground and a fun adventure park.
When you cycle through Audru, you will pass a manor complex surrounded by a beautiful park. Here, you can see the River Audru with its four bridges!
Make sure to visit the herb garden of Tamme farm where you can buy herbal seasoning and infusion blends, jams and preserves.
The most exciting place to visit is the Estonian Museum Railway in Lavassaare where you can explore the largest exhibition of steam engines and carriages in the Baltic countries.


Uus tänav 4, Pärnu, Pärnu maakond
01.05 - 01.10
Is open advance bookings only